untitled, LLC

Specialties:E-Commerce、ICT Consulting、Website Production、Streaming、Content Distribution/On Demand、Application for Mobile、Music Technology

Strengths and benefits we want to showcase

Connecting" There is a limit to what we can do individually, but by "connecting" people and technology, we can create a new style. A team of creators connecting individuals. We provide high quality products by organizing the most suitable team for each client.

Basis for creating strengths and benefits

Because our members come from a variety of professional backgrounds, including manufacturing, product development, sales and marketing, and teaching, they are able to form teams of creators tailored to the client's needs in the IT, creative, and other related businesses, taking advantage of their areas of expertise.

Story behind the creation of strengths and benefits

Everyone can work hard, be interested, and enjoy what they love. We believe that each creator can provide high quality deliverables to our clients by having fun creating in his or her area of expertise. When we have fun, we discover new things, and when we have fun, we want to share it with others. We hope to connect with our clients through our deliverables and share the future that will lead from there. Design and fun are everything.
Representative Jun Taniguchi
Zip Code 064-0919
1-31-202, Minami 19-jo Nishi 7-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo